Quick Reference and Glossary
Learn about the most common terms used in the GoHusky documentation: You will get very familiar with these in due time!
The decision making stakeholders. Usually some C-level executive or some other penguin. (see also: Wolf)
You. 🐺
Malamute Syndrome
Also known as impostor syndrome. Everybody knows Malamutes aren't Huskies. If you're feeling a bit malamute, don't worry. Every dog feels that way sometimes. But it's really just you. You got this!
Pack Leader
The project manager (probably also you 🐺)
Problems around work. These are the things you're trying to solve. There is an article about them!
The current project stage that you are on. Depending on the size and development model that you're using, this could be:
- If you're into Agile...
- A whole theme
- An epic
- One or more user stories
- If you're just using plain old Waterfall...
- The current project
- A change request
- One or more user stories
- If you're into agile-fu or some BS hybrid theory that some wolf came up with...
- Do whatever.
- Probably also one or more user stories (see a trend here?)
The developers (couls also be you 🐺)
The boss. The hand that feeds. If you are a developer, probably your project manager. If you are a project manager, probably your managing director. If you are a managing director, probably the shareholders. You will find there are many kinds of wolves, but you are just a husky.