The tenets of GoHusky
These are the core rules of GoHusky. Memorize them. Live by them.
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Silence is suspicious.
Some people will tell you that silence is golden. Unless you are a husky. Then silence is just suspicious. It is important to be heard. Learn to provide proactive feedback whenever it is relevant. You cannot manage silence, and especially with huskies, it causes feelings of impending doom.
Ears are for decoration only.
Even though you may have spent the last two hours in a meeting about something you forgot just 2 minutes after it ended, your presence was still important. Now, time to get your paws dirty and figure out what it was about. GoHusky is all about experience.
Sharp claws, sharp teeth.
GoHusky is heavily focused on results. The means to achieve them are not so important. You seldom see the wolves worry unless you're nearing milestones, so keep your claws sharp - make sure all objectives are achieved, and your teeth sharp - be ready for changes, keep a contingency plan.